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One of the most terrifying aspects of Halloween Ends is its Rotten Tomatoes rating.

With Halloween now behind us, horror fans are in for a treat. Even though The Midnight Club only debuted on Netflix last week, I won’t be giving it a try since the pilot episode set a new record for the most jump scares in a single television episode.

Released in theatres today (October 14), Halloween Ends is the last installment of the Halloween trilogy that started with 2018’s Halloween (which is the third movie in the franchise to be called that, confusingly). We Got This Covered reports that audiences and reviewers aren’t exactly raving about the flick.

Take a look at the trailer for Halloween Ends right here.

According to Rotten Tomatoes, the film only has a 60% audience score as of this writing. In comparison to the first Halloween (1978), which had an 89% approval rating from audiences, this one is definitely not the worst. The result is not very noteworthy. The latest score from critics is significantly lower at 45%. Once again, to put this in perspective, Halloween (1978) has a score that is almost twice as high. There’s obviously no way to top that.

Hagrid from Harry Potter, Robbie Coltrane Dead at the age of 72.

Although the film’s poor box office performance is a setback, the Halloween series has weathered far worse. On Rotten Tomatoes, Halloween: Resurrection has an abysmal 25% audience score and an even more appalling 10% critic score. Despite having a slightly higher audience rating (37%, so don’t get too excited), Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers had a far lower reviewer score of 9%. I suppose things could only improve from there.

Some may prefer to see the less-than-stellar Halloween Ends rather than the potentially nauseating and life-threatening Terrifier 2, which has reportedly caused some viewers to faint.

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